The Logo Finally!

The Logo Finally!
I think it's a great improvement and I like it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday Night in Qatar!

What a roller coaster a career in the theatre can be! Last night I was riding high after doing the backer's audition of Saturday Night at Grossinger's. The only fly in the ointment seemed to be that my agent didn't show up. This got me upset to say the least. Just when you need an agent to be schmoozing it up, you are alone. Then the shit hit the fan this AM via email that my agent was no longer my agent. Now, this has been coming for a while, at least via my ignored intuition. After all, communication has been at a bare minimal since...before December! Other big events were either not attended or attended half way (and by that I mean leaving after an hour of a hugely successful performance of one of my shows). This was getting to be unacceptable and to give the agent its due, the agent agreed that I was being neglected and deserved better. Still, this did not take the sting out of the realization that I have to move on and find someone new, especially since I chose this one over my last one and burned a bridge that remains burned to this day. Sad. But you go on...and tonight David Krane and I performed (or rather let three people watch a rehearsal of) our score for The Road to Qatar! And that went really well. I am very confident about 80 percent of what we have and that's pretty damned good for draft number two. We are rehearsing again tomorrow and performing for a director on Thurs. Not sure if this director is right for the piece but then the reaction will tell me a lot. I know we have a hilariously amazing small show here, based totally on truth, for whatever that means...what's important is the story and the characters and it really works. So far. I am proud proud proud of Qatar! Stay tuned for the director's reactions.

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