The Logo Finally!

The Logo Finally!
I think it's a great improvement and I like it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sad day

Sad to report that Memby Saver has passed away. I have been guarded about talking about it, but it's been well over a year since Memby was diagnosed with colon cancer and it's been a long and valiant battle. She was in much pain and this morning she was finally taken out of it. I have known and collaborated with Jeff Saver since the early 90s and have known Memby since he met her and she has been a great booster of our work and a wonderful wife and mother. She had many great talents of her own. I will never forget going to see her perform as a Salsa singer at a club in New York. This modest thin girl turned into the sexpot of all time on the stage as she undulated and entertained in a way that I have never seen. It was a total theatrical transformation and was astounding. I will miss her. I will miss complaining about Jeff to her and knowing that she not only understood him, but was rooting for us to be wildly successful with our shows. We will be and she will know it.

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