The Logo Finally!

The Logo Finally!
I think it's a great improvement and I like it.

Monday, February 5, 2007

After the Rainbow Room

It's early Tuesday morning and the Drama League Show went very well. If it had been a first preview, we would know what to cut and prune and tomorrow it would be a much better show, but all in all, it went better than I expected. The videos went without a hitch and the material I wrote was clever and fast, even if there was a little too much of it. Dreamgirls started the night off with a bang and then my special material for Joanna Gleason and Jim Dale went very well. The Way You Look Tonight was lovely and the dance was stylish and Astaire-ish. The next two numbers were just okay and it took a while to recover. Heather MacRae following the wonderful post war musical film video montage brought the show up again...although in a ballady soft way. What we needed was a big dance there but we had several slow numbers in a row. The Tarzan number with film went over well and the flop medley did pretty good too, Brinberg is good, wish we could have made him funnier tho...if I had been here I might have helped with that. The other Flop medley people were great troupers...loved them. Rita Moreno was surprisingly good singing I Never Has Seen Snow. Much better voice than I suspected. I boldly approached her about writing a book with her. She was sweet but non-committally offputting. I will pursue it tho. All that Jazz went over very well and Ruthie Henshall certainly gives her all. I should ask her to be in the Kander and Ebb...the video was good at the end too. Spring Awakening was nice but not the Finale I wished it was. The evening was too long and boy did I have to pee! Still, in all better than the last one I wrote and saw (didn't see last year's) and Jim Dale and Joanna really gave their all. Dear people. Of course I came home and got blue immediately...from the high to the low...that's part of a theatre writer's life. And so the sun sets over the Rainbow Room and tomorrow I do my elderhostle lecture and they will surely revitalize me. On to Kander and Ebb...on to Qatar...on to on to on to...and to sleep...zzzz

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