The Logo Finally!

The Logo Finally!
I think it's a great improvement and I like it.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Last Night's Salon with my Book Agent

Last night my book agent had eleven of her favorite clients over for a "salon." I had no idea what to expect but it turned out to be inspirational and one of the reasons for me starting this blog. She was telling us all to think big for 2007. To go for the big money advances, the big co-authors, to use the internet better...I need to update my website and now...I am writing a blog. My latest book I COULD HAVE SUNG ALL NIGHT written with and about Marni Nixon (how many of you know that name? There will be a quiz!) is in it's third printing since being published in early September. I guess that's pretty good. The paperback is due out in the summer and that should do well too. I am not on the hunt for a new subject. I had toyed (and haven't totally given up on) writing a dual biography of two of my favorite stars (both of whom I knew) whose career and lives crossed on several occasions. But I am trying to think bigger now and want to collaborate (meaning, as Marni so aptly put it, I am the writer and they are the author!) with a very big celebrity who brings to the table their story, their fame, their publicity. After all, I have to do all the grunt work, like actually putting words on paper or computer as the case may be. So if there are any stars out there who want to write their memoirs, remember you can't do it alone. Come to me. I will drag the story from your guts, leaving you like a wet dishrag sometimes, but in the end you can say you wrote a book. Seriously, I am looking for a great subject so any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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