The Logo Finally!

The Logo Finally!
I think it's a great improvement and I like it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Persecuted or Paranoid?

Let's play a new's called "persecuted or paranoid?"...Today I got an email containing a newletter from an organization that promotes musicals and musical theatres across the country, an organization that does a yearly festival of new musicals of which I am an alumni with two shows being presented by them over the years. So in the newletter I notice that they have a spotlight on an alumni writer of musicals. Wonderful, I think...this could be a good way to self promote. So I write to them and remind them of the great year I have been having (yes, I knocked on wood)...after all it began with a great world premiere of Time after Time in Pittsburgh, went on to 2 very successful and well publicized Miami productions of Rock Odyssey (and a ten year licensing deal!), proceeded to The Night of the Hunter starring Davis Gaine, Julie Johnson and a 24 piece orchestra in Texas, and is climaxing with the announcement of The Road to Qatar! at the York Theatre Off I thought now would be a great time them to feature ME! I swiftly sent out the email and swiftly received the reply that told me that they are discontinuing the spotlight on the musical theatre author series. How timely for me! Persecuted or Paranoid? be the judge.

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